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Losing weight is the wish of many people. Being overweight is not only a visual problem. It is also the cause of many serious diseases such as cardiovascular problems or diabetes. But diets are not always easy to follow through; counting calories or doing without many foods can be very frustrating. No wonder, then, that more and more preparations are coming onto the market that are supposed to make the path to the desired weight easier. Alpilean is one such product. Does it really help you lose weight, or does it just make your wallet slimmer? We investigated this question and took a closer look at the product.

What is Alpilean?

What is Alpilean?

Alpilean are capsules on a vegetable basis. They are intended to facilitate weight loss. They are to enable a natural and above all healthy weight control, promises the manufacturer. Accompanying a diet, you can eat less with the help of the weight loss capsules and thus lose weight faster. When taken regularly, they not only reduce the feeling of hunger, but also prevent cravings. The capsules are suitable for women and men.

For whom is Alpilean suitable?

For all adults who are looking for natural support on the way to their desired weight, the herbal capsules were developed. The capsules are well tolerated and contain only active ingredients from plant-based ingredients. They are therefore also suitable for vegans.

Alpilean in practice test – capsules closely examined

Alpilean in practice test capsules closely examined

We wanted to find out what the fat burner can really do and have made a test. A self-test is the best way to check the effect of a product.

Karin volunteered to be the tester. She is 46 years old and has gained weight continuously over the last few years. Although she has tried many diets, she has only ever been able to stop the weight gain in the short term and has quickly put on the lost pounds again after each diet. Especially the fat pads on her belly and hips bother her a lot. Various diet pills were also tried, but the desired success was a long time coming. That’s why she wanted to give it one last try and was willing to take part in our little experiment. She was to test the fat burner for us over a period of four weeks. Since the capsules are not available in stationary trade, we ordered them for our test person directly on the homepage of the manufacturer. You can read about our tester’s experiences here.

Week 1: Before we could start the test, we invited Karin to our house to discuss the procedure and to weigh her. She weighed in at 79.4 kg. Karin will follow the manufacturer’s intake instructions exactly for the next four weeks. In order to be able to check the effect of the capsules, she will not exercise more or change her diet during the test.

Week 2: At first, Karin was a little irritated that the instructions for taking the medication were only available in English. The drug comes from the USA and has only been on the market for a short time. While she was able to quickly translate the dosage instructions, she had some difficulty with the description of the ingredients. As recommended by the manufacturer, Karin takes one capsule daily with a large glass of water. The capsules are easy to swallow and are completely tasteless. At the end of the second week of testing, Karin can see the first changes: She has lost 1.6 kg, eats less and feels very well.

Week 3: Karin has continued to lose weight in the third week. In the meantime, her weight loss is a proud 3.1 kg. She tolerates the capsules well and has no side effects. She feels that her metabolism has been significantly stimulated. As a result, she feels fitter and more agile.

Week 4: Our test is coming to an end and we have invited Karin for a final interview. She has lost 4.1 kg in the last four weeks thanks to the weight loss capsules, without starving herself or counting calories. In contrast to before, she has been able to lose weight without any problems, has eaten less, and the dangerous food cravings that complicate any diet have also stopped. She is very happy with her results.

Alpilean experiences and customer reviews

After our tester Karin had a good experience with Alpilean capsules, we wanted to know what other users say about the fat burner. To do this, we searched the Internet for reviews. Here we quickly found what we were looking for. The mood is quite positive and many users share the opinion of our tester. Here are two examples:

Mia: „There are so many products on the Internet that are supposed to help you lose weight. Not only do you quickly lose track of them, there are also products that are really harmful to health. Not so Alpilean. The capsules have helped me well.

Franky: „Goodbye to cravings – no problem with Alpilean. My body fat has reduced significantly and I now have the figure I always wanted.“

Alpilean ingredients

The following ingredients are declared by the manufacturer:

Golden Algae (Golden brown algae): Stimulates metabolism while strengthening the immune system.
Dika Nut (African Mango): improves total cholesterol levels, lowers HDL cholesterol levels and affects the so-called “hunger hormones”.

Drumstick Tree Leaf (Moringa): stimulates metabolism in the intestines and has anti-inflammatory effects.

Bigarada Orange (citrus extract): stimulates metabolism in particularGinger (ginger): stimulates intestinal activity

Thumeric Rhizone (turmeric): relieves digestive symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and nausea. Turmeric is also said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Alpilean – correct application and dosage

The use of Alpilean is simple and straightforward.Already one capsule per day, taken in the morning with a large glass of water, helps to lose weight.

Alpilean effect

Alpilean capsules can act as follows

  • Support weight loss
  • suppression of the feeling of hunger (satiety)
  • Stimulation of metabolism (stimulation of fat burning)
  • Stimulation of metabolism, promotion of digestion

When does it start to work?

A blanket answer to this question is not possible. Alpilean is a purely herbal preparation that relies on the power of natural ingredients. Although the selected active ingredients can facilitate the path to the desired weight, the reaction to these active ingredients varies from person to person.

Where is Alpilean sold?

Where is Alpilean sold

Alpilean is sold exclusively online via the manufacturer’s webshop.

What does Alpilean cost?

A pack of the fat burner with 30 capsules is offered on the manufacturer’s homepage at the price of USD 59.00. The manufacturer also offers the following savings packages:


Are there risks and side effects?

The herbal Alpilean capsules are usually well tolerated, side effects are not known so far.

Was Alpilean tested by Stiftung Warentest?

No, an evaluation by the testers of the independent foundation is currently not available.

Are there other test results or studies?

In the course of our research, we were unable to find any other official study results on Alpilean capsules.

Who should not take Alpilean?

The capsules are specifically designed for adult metabolism. They are not suitable for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from taking them.

The advantages of Alpilean

Capsules convince with the following advantages

  • easy intake
  • quick integration into everyday life
  • targeted weight control
  • long lasting success
  • suitable for vegans

Our opinion about Alpilean

Not only does it contain many different ingredients, but it is also only available from the manufacturer itself and the instructions for use are only in English.Therefore, we would like to recommend ICG Fatburner to you once again. This preparation, which you can order easily and cheaply from the online retailer baaboo, not only convinces with its effect, but you can also fall back on the German-speaking customer service of baaboo at any time if you have questions about the product or are not satisfied with the effect.

Frequently asked questions

We could not answer all your questions? Here we have compiled more important information about the weight loss capsules.

Can I buy Alpilean in a pharmacy?

No, Alpilean is not available in pharmacies or online pharmacies.

Can I order Alpilean through Amazon?

No, Alpilean is not offered on Amazon.

How long will I need to take one pack of Alpilean?

One can contains 30 capsules and lasts for one month.